How does machine learning help parking guidance systems adapt to new vehicle types and new parking behaviors?
The parking world is dynamic. Parking behaviors, vehicle styles and shapes, variable in-space parking types (i.e EV charging, disabled access, compact vehicle, carpool vehicle, package delivery, food delivery services, etc.), variable pricing models, reserved and VIP access, all combine to
Choosing the Right Parking Guidance System
Parking guidance systems (PGS) are transformative technology for both parking and transportation management. By guiding drivers to available parking makes the parking experience much more driver-friendly, makes parking more manageable, and it improves parking operators’ profitability. It also reduces congestion
Defining Frictionless Parking
Frictionless parking has been the predominant trend in parking over the past five years. By combining different technologies to offer a completely hands-free experience, parking owners are providing a much better parking experience. Frictionless parking suites typically include access and revenue control